I'm New at GBC - Tell me More!
What happens at Sunday service?
We gather each Sunday at 10:30am to worship God by singing His praise together, reading the word, praying, and hearing it taught to us in the sermon. Sunday services are where the church family all come together. We also worship by collecting an offering during the service, which is for regular attenders to support the work of our church. Most weeks we share communion together.
- Singing: We sing a variety of songs in church, some older, some newer, but most importantly the words teach us about God and help us to praise Him. We normally stand to sing, but if you are unable then it’s ok to remain seated, or sit down when you need to.
- Reading: We read from the Bible as part of our worship, both together in a responsive reading, and before the sermon. It’s good to follow along in your own Bible or portable device.
- Sermon: This is a time of teaching; we often work through a book of the Bible or a series. Sermons usually last approximately 30 minutes.
- Communion: This is an opportunity for believers to share a simple meal of juice and bread. This is where we remember Jesus’ sacrifice for us. If you aren’t a believer, you are welcome to observe and consider the significance of the teaching from the Bible and this simple act of remembrance. Members of the congregation may read or pray during communion, or we may sing together at this point.
What about the kids?
Kids are so welcome at GBC. There is a crèche for pre-school kids in the minor hall, which is available throughout the whole service. Nursery school age kids and older join us for the first half of the service, then leave for a time of teaching and praise in Sunday Club with their leaders. Facilities for babies and children are available during the morning services only.
How long will it last?
A typical Sunday morning service lasts approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes, followed by tea and coffee served downstairs. During the tea and coffee, come and connect with us at the Welcome Desk in the foyer. Find out more about the church and ask any questions about what GBC is all about.
What do I wear?
We don’t have a dress code, wear what you are comfortable in.
Where do I park?
Parking is available in front of the church, in a car park on the left of the church, or along the side of the green where suitable. We would ask that you do not park in the spaces in front of the flats to the left of the church, and leave those free for those who live there.
Where do I go when I get into the church?
Sunday services take place in the sanctuary on the first floor. You can come up in the stairs and there is a lift available for those with mobility issues. If you have a baby or toddler, register them at Crèche in the minor hall on the ground floor on your way in. If you have any questions or issues, our Welcome Team will be wearing a badge and will be happy to help you.
What happens during the rest of the week?
GBC offers opportunities to meet to study the bible together and pray together during the week. We also have Mango Tots (parents and toddlers), Youth Ministry, Mango Tree honesty café, and various other events.
Check out the rest of this website for days and details, and follow us on social media for all up to date information.